News Flash

Articles about how cycling and bicycles can help your business.

News Flash

Pedals vs. Pavements: Hertford’s Cycling Conundrum

Historic towns like Hertford embody a unique charm, with their narrow streets, listed buildings, and ancient landmarks. However, these very features also present a cycling infrastructure challenge. Unlike modern cities, where roads have been designed to accommodate dedicated cycle lanes, Hertford’s streets were built centuries ago for pedestrians and horse-drawn transport. Former Councillor, Peter Ruffles,

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Will 2025 be the year for active travel goals?

The election of a Labour government has brought with it the promise of targeted active travel investment across the country. Highway Cycles spoke to Josh Dean MP, elected representative for Hertford and Stortford, to find out more. A recent survey from Global Action Plan stated that 3 in 4 people in the UK feel their

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The 1975 Debate

One Friday afternoon in 1975, Sir George Young made an impassioned speech to the House of Commons around the imperative need to improve active travel facilities for city dwellers. That year, cars, buses and taxis equated to around 330 billion passenger kilometres travelled, and the total number of private vehicle ownership was soaring. US scientist,

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A Revolutionary Delivery

Traffic, lack of parking and costs are many reasons that UK businesses are turning to e-cargo deliveries. Here, we talk to Abhipol, co-owner of Ruay Rôt Thai, about the benefits of becoming the first Hertford e-cargo takeaway service. The increased use of e-cargo bikes is contributing to cleaner area in town centres, helping reduce congestion,

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A timeless travel network

Claxton had a vision of a greener, cleaner town, where residents walked or cycled, but fast forward to present day, and only around 3% currently use the networks to cycle.

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Do it like the Dutch

It’s important to recognise that Dutch infrastructure works at a network level – it’s not just a section of segregated cycle track, or a junction that has a dedicated cycle phase. It forms a network, that means if you do choose to cycle you can undertake your journey, without worrying that there’s a section of

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A Harmonious Sunday Duo

No longer just a hub, the humble coffee shop has become the aesthetic of the Lycra community, a provider of speciality coffee, and an opportunity for likeminded riders to connect.

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The rise of women’s competitive cycling

“We aspire to build a cycling legacy and you only need to see how many young people are on the roadside to know that the enthusiasm for this sport is continuing to grow. ..”

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Pedalling Perseverance

As a council, we want to do everything we can to promote cycling to everyone, and making it an inclusive and everyday activity. When we left France, there was a notable difference in attitudes, there were an abundance of cycle lanes and signage, and the drivers were respectful to cyclists.

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A Carefully Crafted Fold

The MiRiDER One is renowned for its sturdiness, but encompasses a startlingly lightweight frame, making it easy to carry on public transport, and up flights of stairs.

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